/* SQL Server Wait Information from sys.dm_os_wait_stats Copyright (C) 2014, Brent Ozar Unlimited. See http://BrentOzar.com/go/eula for the End User Licensing Agreement. */ /********************************* Let's build a list of waits we can safely ignore. *********************************/ IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ignorable_waits') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #ignorable_waits; GO create table #ignorable_waits (wait_type nvarchar(256) PRIMARY KEY); GO /* We aren't using row constructors to be SQL 2005 compatible */ set nocount on; insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('REQUEST_FOR_DEADLOCK_SEARCH'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('SQLTRACE_INCREMENTAL_FLUSH_SLEEP'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('SQLTRACE_BUFFER_FLUSH'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('LAZYWRITER_SLEEP'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('XE_TIMER_EVENT'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('XE_DISPATCHER_WAIT'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('FT_IFTS_SCHEDULER_IDLE_WAIT'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('LOGMGR_QUEUE'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('CHECKPOINT_QUEUE'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('BROKER_TO_FLUSH'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('BROKER_TASK_STOP'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('BROKER_EVENTHANDLER'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('SLEEP_TASK'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('WAITFOR'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('DBMIRROR_DBM_MUTEX') insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('DBMIRROR_EVENTS_QUEUE') insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('DBMIRRORING_CMD'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('DISPATCHER_QUEUE_SEMAPHORE'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('BROKER_RECEIVE_WAITFOR'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('CLR_AUTO_EVENT'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('DIRTY_PAGE_POLL'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('HADR_FILESTREAM_IOMGR_IOCOMPLETION'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('ONDEMAND_TASK_QUEUE'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('FT_IFTSHC_MUTEX'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('CLR_MANUAL_EVENT'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('SP_SERVER_DIAGNOSTICS_SLEEP'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('QDS_CLEANUP_STALE_QUERIES_TASK_MAIN_LOOP_SLEEP'); insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES ('QDS_PERSIST_TASK_MAIN_LOOP_SLEEP'); GO /* Want to manually exclude an event and recalculate?*/ /* insert #ignorable_waits (wait_type) VALUES (''); */ /********************************* What are the highest overall waits since startup? *********************************/ SELECT TOP 25 os.wait_type, SUM(os.wait_time_ms) OVER (PARTITION BY os.wait_type) as sum_wait_time_ms, CAST( 100.* SUM(os.wait_time_ms) OVER (PARTITION BY os.wait_type) / (1. * SUM(os.wait_time_ms) OVER () ) AS NUMERIC(12,1)) as pct_wait_time, SUM(os.waiting_tasks_count) OVER (PARTITION BY os.wait_type) AS sum_waiting_tasks, CASE WHEN SUM(os.waiting_tasks_count) OVER (PARTITION BY os.wait_type) > 0 THEN CAST( SUM(os.wait_time_ms) OVER (PARTITION BY os.wait_type) / (1. * SUM(os.waiting_tasks_count) OVER (PARTITION BY os.wait_type)) AS NUMERIC(12,1)) ELSE 0 END AS avg_wait_time_ms, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as sample_time FROM sys.dm_os_wait_stats os LEFT JOIN #ignorable_waits iw on os.wait_type=iw.wait_type WHERE iw.wait_type is null ORDER BY sum_wait_time_ms DESC; GO /********************************* What are the higest waits *right now*? *********************************/ /* Note: this is dependent on the #ignorable_waits table created earlier. */ if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#wait_batches') is not null drop table #wait_batches; if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#wait_data') is not null drop table #wait_data; GO CREATE TABLE #wait_batches ( batch_id int identity primary key, sample_time datetime not null ); CREATE TABLE #wait_data ( batch_id INT NOT NULL , wait_type NVARCHAR(256) NOT NULL , wait_time_ms BIGINT NOT NULL , waiting_tasks BIGINT NOT NULL ); CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX cx_wait_data on #wait_data(batch_id); GO /* This temporary procedure records wait data to a temp table. */ if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#get_wait_data') IS NOT NULL DROP procedure #get_wait_data; GO CREATE PROCEDURE #get_wait_data @intervals tinyint = 2, @delay char(12)='00:00:30.000' /* 30 seconds*/ AS DECLARE @batch_id int, @current_interval tinyint, @msg nvarchar(max); SET NOCOUNT ON; SET @current_interval=1; WHILE @current_interval <= @intervals BEGIN INSERT #wait_batches(sample_time) SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; SELECT @batch_id=SCOPE_IDENTITY(); INSERT #wait_data (batch_id, wait_type, wait_time_ms, waiting_tasks) SELECT @batch_id, os.wait_type, SUM(os.wait_time_ms) OVER (PARTITION BY os.wait_type) as sum_wait_time_ms, SUM(os.waiting_tasks_count) OVER (PARTITION BY os.wait_type) AS sum_waiting_tasks FROM sys.dm_os_wait_stats os LEFT JOIN #ignorable_waits iw on os.wait_type=iw.wait_type WHERE iw.wait_type is null ORDER BY sum_wait_time_ms DESC; set @msg= CONVERT(char(23),CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,121)+ N': Completed sample ' + cast(@current_interval as nvarchar(4)) + N' of ' + cast(@intervals as nvarchar(4)) + '.' RAISERROR (@msg,0,1) WITH NOWAIT; SET @current_interval=@current_interval+1; if @current_interval <= @intervals WAITFOR DELAY @delay; END GO /* Let's take two samples 30 seconds apart */ exec #get_wait_data @intervals=2, @delay='00:00:30.000'; GO /* What were we waiting on? This query compares the most recent two samples. */ with max_batch as ( select top 1 batch_id, sample_time from #wait_batches order by batch_id desc ) SELECT b.sample_time as [Second Sample Time], datediff(ss,wb1.sample_time, b.sample_time) as [Sample Duration in Seconds], wd1.wait_type, cast((wd2.wait_time_ms-wd1.wait_time_ms)/1000. as numeric(12,1)) as [Wait Time (Seconds)], (wd2.waiting_tasks-wd1.waiting_tasks) AS [Number of Waits], CASE WHEN (wd2.waiting_tasks-wd1.waiting_tasks) > 0 THEN cast((wd2.wait_time_ms-wd1.wait_time_ms)/ (1.0*(wd2.waiting_tasks-wd1.waiting_tasks)) as numeric(12,1)) ELSE 0 END AS [Avg ms Per Wait] FROM max_batch b JOIN #wait_data wd2 on wd2.batch_id=b.batch_id JOIN #wait_data wd1 on wd1.wait_type=wd2.wait_type AND wd2.batch_id - 1 = wd1.batch_id join #wait_batches wb1 on wd1.batch_id=wb1.batch_id WHERE (wd2.waiting_tasks-wd1.waiting_tasks) > 0 ORDER BY [Wait Time (Seconds)] DESC; GO
For a description of each wait see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms179984
source: http://www.brentozar.com/responder/triage-wait-stats-in-sql-server/
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